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-Introductions over tea party



-Super hero

-Focus games

-Recite dialogue with different inflection to portray emotion

-Jibber Jabber - Use made up language with physical body language to portray a scene and communicate

-Character development

-Work in groups 

-Each class groups will perform before their classmates


-Makeup mapping

-Costume design

-Design and craft props

-Set design

-Listen to music and choose best score for the scene

-Creative writing of scripts; character, conflict, climax, and resolution

-Be a director

-Be a stage manager

-Applying elements to production


ACTING- being a character

APRON- part of the stage closest to audience

ARENA- stage where performers are surrounded by audience

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR- person who assists the director

AUDIENCE- group of people watching a performance

BACKSTAGE- area of theater audience cannot see

BLACKOUT- when the stage goes black

BLOCKING- movement of the actor

BODY LANGUAGE- physical communication of body

CATWALK- area to hang lights and tech components

CENTER STAGE- central part of stage

CHARACTER- person in a novel, play, or movie

CHARACTERIZATION- habits or traits specific to a character

CHOREOGRAPHY- dance or dance like movement in a performance

COSTUMES- pieces of clothing to enhance a performance for characters

DESIGN- creative planning involving ideas

DIALOGUE- words and communication in a play or movie

DIRECTOR- person who oversees actors, technical, and design team in a show

DOWNSTAGE- area of the stage closest to the audience

ENSEMBLE- a group that performs together as a team

FLAT- a piece of the set that can be painted and used to create a scene

IMPROVISATION- creating a performance without a script on your feet

LIGHTING- act of lighting a stage

LISTEN- what you must do during a performance to respect performers

MAKEUP- the act of applying makeup to enhance facial features or imply a character

MONOLOGUE- dialogue that is said by one person or character

MOTIVATION- the driving force of a character to make them take action

PLATFORM- a set piece used to raise levels

PROP- an article an actor uses for there character

PROSCENIUM- a stage with an apron and a curtain

QUE- a line, sound or action that prompts an actor or technician

REACT- response to an action

SCORE- music that accompanies a movie or play

SCRIPT- literary dialogue and list of technical directions to map a perfromance

SET- the area that implies location and time on a stage where actors perform

SOUND- the audible elements of a performance

SOUND QUE- a sound that triggers an actors entry or dialogue

SOUND ENGINEER- the person that designs the music and specials sound effects

STAGE DIRECTIONS- the directions in a script or those given by the director for movement

STAGE LEFT- when facing the audience this is the left side of the stage

STAGE MANAGER- the boss during a performance of actors and technicians

STAGE RIGHT- when facing the audience this is the right side of the stage

SUBTEXT- the actors actions that imply their underlying motivation. 

TECH/TECHNICIAN- the stage manager, costume/makeup, lighting and sound crew

THEATER- the building

THEATRE- the art form

THRUST- a stage surrounded by audience on three sides

UPSTAGE- the area of the stage furthest away or up from the audience


Performances will be a final original script created by each class. Participation by the ensemble is necessary. The performance will take place on the final class day on campus. Each child will be needed for the performance as cast members rely upon each other. Please ensure your child is ready to participate. 

Please provide your child with snacks and water.

This is a production class. Being as such, your child may be included in video and photos of our performances and during instructional time. 

Individuals that are disruptive to the group may be asked to sit out until they are ready to participate in a productive manner. If the behavior becomes an ongoing issue, the parent will be contacted and the child will be dismissed for the remainder of day.

We are here to learn and have fun. The skills learned in Theatre will prepare your kiddos for future presentations, including speaking in front of an audience, thinking on their feet, respecting ideas, and working in groups. That is what Theater Lab 1.5! is about!!! 

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